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发布时间: 2020-11-30 15:44:02

1、合肥工业大学出版社赢在假期三年级期末 暑假这本作业哪里有卖

很多正规网站都能买到正版的书籍,如京东商城、亚马逊、当当网、天猫商城 等等。这些网站上书的价格会有一些差距,建议买之前在各个网站上对比一下再买。


只有英语,你可以对一下一,1—5 CDCBC 6—10 CDCDC 11—15 BDCAD
二,16—20 CBDAB 21—25 ADBDC
三,26—30 DDABB 31—35 BCCDB 36—40 CBCAD
四,41. playing 42. lives 43. speaks 44. with 45. kids/children 46. arriving 47. libraries 48. left
49. beginning 50. enjoys
五,51. There is 52. between---and 53. What language does speak 54. Where is 55. doesn't like
六,56. likes / enjoys taking a walk 57. Where are from 58. Is there near here 59. Go straight turn
left, in front of 60. If hungry across from
七,61—65 BDECA
八,A): Smith, 15, Paris France, English and French, Volleyball, math and art, comedies, hamburgers
Dear Frank,
I know you are arriving next Saturday. Now let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. You pass a library and then go to the Green Street. Go straight through Green Street, then you see a bank, turn left and in front of you is the supermarket. Across from the supermarket is the post office. My house is behind the post office.
I hope you have a good trip.
Zhang Ming
一,1—5 ACDCB 6—10 BADBC 11—15 DCBAC
二,16—20 BBDCA 21—25 DABCD
三,26—30 CCBDD 31—35 CBACD 36—40 CBADC
四,41. first 42. animals 43. cute 44. friendly 45. grass 46. quiet 47. dangerous 48. talking
49. wears 50. job
五,51. Why do 52. Where are 53. What does do 54. What be 55. likes teaching
六,56. works with 57. likes to work for 58. kind of / a little 59. Why are there leaves 60. Let's
七,61—65 CEADB
Wanted: Are you a teacher of math or English in the middle school Are you 25—40 years old Do you want to work at night Are you a hard-working teacher and good with kids I have a child. He is not good at math and English. Please teach him math or English two hours every night. I give you 30-40 yuan each hour. If you want to help him, please call me at 5553699.
一,1—5 CBDBC 6—10 DCBCD 11—15 BCDBA
二,16—20 BCDCB 21—25 CBCCC
三,26—30 DCDDC 31—35 DBDCC 36—40 BDCCA
四,41. swimming 42. watching 43. telling 44. doing 45. reading 46. playing 47. surprised
48. lying 49. sunny 50. scarfs
五,51. What's like 52. is playing 53. What's doing 54. How is the weather / What's the weather like 55. How's going
六,56. Here are 57. are doing, waiting

3、赢在暑假 抢分计划 七年级 数学 合肥工业大学出版社 答案

只有英语,你可以对一下一,1—5 CDCBC 6—10 CDCDC 11—15 BDCAD
二,16—20 CBDAB 21—25 ADBDC
三,26—30 DDABB 31—35 BCCDB 36—40 CBCAD
四,41. playing 42. lives 43. speaks 44. with 45. kids/children 46. arriving 47. libraries 48. left
49. beginning 50. enjoys
五,51. There is 52. between---and 53. What language does speak 54. Where is 55. doesn't like
六,56. likes / enjoys taking a walk 57. Where are from 58. Is there near here 59. Go straight turn
left, in front of 60. If hungry across from
七,61—65 BDECA
八,A): Smith, 15, Paris France, English and French, Volleyball, math and art, comedies, hamburgers
Dear Frank,
I know you are arriving next Saturday. Now let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. You pass a library and then go to the Green Street. Go straight through Green Street, then you see a bank, turn left and in front of you is the supermarket. Across from the supermarket is the post office. My house is behind the post office.
I hope you have a good trip.
Zhang Ming
一,1—5 ACDCB 6—10 BADBC 11—15 DCBAC
二,16—20 BBDCA 21—25 DABCD
三,26—30 CCBDD 31—35 CBACD 36—40 CBADC
四,41. first 42. animals 43. cute 44. friendly 45. grass 46. quiet 47. dangerous 48. talking
49. wears 50. job
五,51. Why do 52. Where are 53. What does do 54. What be 55. likes teaching
六,56. works with 57. likes to work for 58. kind of / a little 59. Why are there leaves 60. Let's
七,61—65 CEADB
Wanted: Are you a teacher of math or English in the middle school Are you 25—40 years old Do you want to work at night Are you a hard-working teacher and good with kids I have a child. He is not good at math and English. Please teach him math or English two hours every night. I give you 30-40 yuan each hour. If you want to help him, please call me at 5553699.
一,1—5 CBDBC 6—10 DCBCD 11—15 BCDBA
二,16—20 BCDCB 21—25 CBCCC
三,26—30 DCDDC 31—35 DBDCC 36—40 BDCCA
四,41. swimming 42. watching 43. telling 44. doing 45. reading 46. playing 47. surprised
48. lying 49. sunny 50. scarfs
五,51. What's like 52. is playing 53. What's doing 54. How is the weather / What's the weather like 55. How's going
六,56. Here are 57. are doing, waiting

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